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This week, my husband finished a project that was many years in the making!! I read the proof copy and offered some final corrections last week and now … it’s up on Amazon already.
I’m so excited for him. Funny story: the plot of this book started out as a very exciting dream. I still remember him telling us about it at breakfast years ago. The first draft was read aloud to the kids — I remember wondering what kind of person writes their kids a murder mystery??? (In retrospect, I can honestly say that though it is written for adults, I would never hesitate to hand it to my teens.)
Additional bonus: if you ever wondered how government pensions work, you’ll know something about them by the time you’re done.
I’m rather proud of him. ♥
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I have a reading recommendation for you all. In light of the crazy censorship going on, it pays to think deeply about the issue. It’s been a long time since I have read this (I plan to pull it back out soon), but I highly recommend reading the ultimate book on the subject of censorship, John Milton’s Aeropagitica.
You may not agree with him. I really struggled with the book (probably because my children were young and a certain level of censorship was definitely appropriate at the time). But if you want to see the arguments against censorship, Aeropagitica is for you.
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The second episode of our short summer season is out from Scholé Sisters today:
It’s always nice to chat with Karen Glass. ♥
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This month in 2017:
This was the first post in my CM and Gifted Kids series. I only write a couple posts (if that) in the series per year, but they’ve been a valuable exercise and some readers find them helpful, too. 😉
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Podcast episode of the week:
- Highwire with Del Bigtree: YOUR ODDS OF DYING FROM COVID-19
- Interesting show, as usual, but really I chose it because they’ve been deleted by YouTube for talking about things we’re not allowed to talk about, like scientific research the elites don’t approve of.
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This week’s links collection:
- It’s Not the Equality Act, It’s The Pedophile Protection Act from The American Family Association
- Folks, this passed the House already. You need to start lobbying your Senators about this NOW. Don’t look at me. My Senators are Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Talking to them about this would be pointless.
- YouTube Deletes Del Bigtree & “The HighWire.” An Act of Censorship? from Collective Evolution
- We’ve actually gotten to the Thought Police level of Jumanji.
- China: Police shutter house churches nationwide, order Christians to stop believing in God from The Christian Post
- I know I’ve complained about the situation here in California, where even meeting in small groups for Bible study is currently illegal. It’s an assault on human rights for sure, but I don’t pretend it even begins to compete with the Chinese.
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Corona reads:
About that hydroxychloroquine…
- YouTube Now Censoring Videos Discussing Hydroxychloroquine from The Dan Bongino Show
- I’m sure most of you saw various social media outlets taking the video down as fast as people could put it up. It felt surreal to me to see such rampant censorship in action.
- As a reminder, here is the 2005 study showing that hydroxychloroquine was not only an effective treatment for SARS (Covid-19’s closest relative), but that it could also be used prophylactically.
- And here is the recent Yale study showing the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 on hospitalized patients.
- I emphasize hospitalized because most doctors using HCQ for patients or themselves are either using it prophylactically or using it when symptoms first present. There is much more debate about whether it works on patients once they are hospitalized. Obviously, the sicker a patient gets, the harder they are to save.
- In fact, that is something to watch for in studies. (Be prepared: this is just the opinion of someone who reads medical journals for fun.) Many of the studies claiming that HCQ is “dangerous” are so badly designed that I have to wonder if they really want to answer the question of whether it works. They are (1) only studying people near death (I saw one where every patient was already on a ventilator that went on to suggest HCQ as cause of death even though the death rate once on a vent with Covid is about 90%) OR (2) prescribing toxic levels of the drugs. Pretty much every drug is toxic if you give a high enough dose. The ones I read calling it dangerous that were not studying hospitalized patients were prescribing it in doses 3-5x (or even more) the recommended dosage.
- Top medical org demands FDA make COVID treatment hydroxychloroquine more widely available from Life Site News
- Something to make you go hmmm: “Countries with underdeveloped healthcare systems are using HCQ early and attaining far lower mortality than in the United States, where (HHS and the FDA) impede access to HCQ.”
- Ohio pharmacy board reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine after GOP Gov. DeWine’s request from USA Today
- Ohio banned HCQ (except in the case of clinical trials) and then reversed course a day or two later. What a rollercoaster we’re on these days.
As far as other topics go …
- CNN News Anchor Chris Cuomo was treated with homeopathy (along with good food and nutrition, of course) for his Covid-19. Interesting enough, he used OXO, which his wife is calling “potentized quinine.” I thought that was called Cinchona Officinalis? That’s a homeopathic remedy I keep on hand (though I wouldn’t have thought of using it for Covid). Is anyone familiar with this OXO product? Can you tell me how it differs from the Cinchona remedy? I tried to search around but ran out of time.
- Interestingly enough, Cichona Officinalis is a sort of homeopathic cousin of HCQ!
- Japan ends its COVID-19 state of emergency from Science
The post Thoughtworthy (Big Project Unveiled, Recommended Reading & More!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.