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Can I get you to leave a comment over at the FDA? I have been studying homeopathy for many years. It’s a system of medicine I’ve come to love. Not only that, but it’s been hugely helpful for me when there are no other options that work for our family. For example, I am allergic to most over the counter pain medications. I control pain (when needed) using remedies like Arnica and Hypericum.
The FDA wants to take homeopathy’s 200+-year-old system of medicine and classify all the remedies as “new drugs,” which would then allow them to take all my precious remedies off the market. Even my most favorite, Nux Vomica, which is the only thing that helps my youngest with a certain allergy/sensitivity he has. Please please please go over to Americans for Homeopathy Choice and use their site to leave a comment on the FDA Draft Guidance. Please speak out for freedom, even if it’s one you personally have never used. The form is simple and easy to use and will only take you a short while.
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I finished two books so far this month. I have a few more that are close to done (all of these were started in 2019, by the way), but I doubt I’ll finish them before the month is over. Anyhow, my first title completed for 2020 was The Chosen by Chaim Potok.
I assigned The Chosen to my high school senior and I’m so glad I did. It really was amazing. It’s so well written, first of all. It leaves you with sadness that it’s over and you find yourself thinking about it long after you’re done. I have my son writing a paper on friendship using this as one of his sources. He’s pretty excited about it (which doesn’t always happen with assignments). I can’t wait to read it.
I have some sections near the end that I think I’m going to use for my talk at the Scholé Sisters retreat in the fall. I copied them into my commonplace so I wouldn’t forget them.
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The second book I finished was also a pre-read for high school: The Fatal Conceit by FA Hayek. Hayek is kind of dry, but what can I say? He’s a classic. If you haven’t read him have you really read enough economics? I don’t think you can skip him, but I do think, in retrospect, that The Road to Serfdom is a better choice if you’re only going to read one Hayek title.
My original plan was to read both of those Hayeks with my senior this year, but then we did an interview with Ravi Jain for Scholé Sisters and he mentioned a book I hadn’t heard of before. I ordered it and let my senior make a choice. He went with Ravi’s recommendation, and so we’re starting Peter Drucker’s The End of Economic Man next week.
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Are you doing the 2020 Scholé Sisters 5×5 Reading Challenge? If so, our first check in is tomorrow morning! 9am PST Saturday morning. I can’t wait. It’ll be fun.
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This month in 2014:
It’s not that this old post is so amazing. More than anything, it was interesting to me to look back and see what I was reading: John Senior and James K.A. Smith. These titles were so formative to me. Are you reading? Do it. It’ll pay dividends for years.
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Podcast episode of the week:
- Mortification of Spin: Struck Down, but Not Destroyed
- If you know someone who struggles with anxiety — the type that seems to be biologically based and not just a need to “trust God more” — I highly recommend this episode. I plan to buy the book they’re referencing!
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This week’s links collection:
- What Communists Did To My Family In The Soviet Gulags from The Federalist
- Since we’ve got employees of Bernie Sanders praising the gulags (language warning), it’s good to revisit this history.
- The Siloam Pool: Where Jesus Healed the Blind Man from Biblical Archaeology Society
- Way cool.
I didn’t read much news this week — just super busy as we get back into the swing of things around here. Do you have any must-read articles to share from this week? Leave them in the comments!
The post Thoughtworthy (Medical Freedom, Books Finished, and MORE!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.