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Flourish is back for ONE WEEK ONLY! Why? Because we’ve been getting lots of requests for it — some people forgot to buy it, some didn’t know about it on time, some only decided to buy it later. Whatever the excuse, we’re having mercy and re-releasing it starting TODAY for, as I mentioned already, one week only. After that, it’s really truly going away until November.
So … if you or someone you know still want it, grab it while you can!
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Yesterday was a reading sort of day for us. The kids had karate belt testing at night, so everyone was taking it easy and saving their energy for those critical hours. Here’s what they read:
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Let’s talk about curly hair shampoo in the summer months. Hot and sweaty tends to mean something more, shall we say, aggressive is needed. Many shampoos designed for curly hair don’t leave hair feeling clean in the summer months. I’ve met a number of ladies buying really expensive shampoos for this time of year. You mileage may vary (as I live somewhere decidedly not humid), but I highly recommend the inexpensive shampoo by Kinky Curly called Come Clean.
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This month in 2018:
I still set timers and I still think it’s a healthy habit.
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Yes, we had an earthquake in our county last week. Two, actually. Yes, we really felt them — especially the 7.1. No, we weren’t hit hard. We’re about 80 miles from the epicenter and we’re fine. Our city is fine. The people at the epicenter? Some of them are decidedly not fine. We have high building standards here, and they work. Mobile homes? Older homes? Not so much. Folks in that area living in mobile homes were some of the worst hit. Other issues were gas leaks. Trona is still without water.
Overall, it’s a best case scenario for earthquakes this big, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t people who need help.
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This week’s links collection:
- The Reason Anxious People Often Have Allergies from The Atlantic
- “If you have allergies and anxiety, and you ignore your allergy symptoms, it might be challenging to treat the anxiety.”
- Liturgy of the Ordinary Counterfeited — And how to respond! from Tish Harrison Warren
- I don’t have this book … but you might. Is yours a counterfeit?
- Solzhenitsyn’s Prophecy from First Things
- “Solzhenitsyn … warned America and the West that we had become too focused on rights and needed to refocus on obligations. We had come to embrace a false idea of liberty, conceiving of it as doing as one pleases, rather than as the freedom to fulfill one’s human potential and honor one’s conscientious duties to God and neighbor.”
- The End of Mad Magazine from Cranach
- “The magazine declined from its glory days in the 1960s. Some say it jumped the shark in 2001 when it moved from New York City to beautiful downtown Burbank. Whereupon it started taking actual advertising — as opposed to the hilarious parodies of advertisements that it had become known for — and concentrating on politics.”
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Scholé Sisters is back today with the first of our special two-episode summer season!
Make sure you’re subscribed in your favorite podcast player. It’s FREE, you know. ♥
The post Thoughtworthy (Flourish is Back, Book Titles, Earthquakes, and MORE!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.