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For four long months, I’ve been working on a project with a team of wonderful women. In the wee hours yesterday, that project was finished and I was finally able to announce it. You can see my Big Fact Charlotte Mason Announcement here:
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We discovered an amazing cursive product! At GHC, I went by Janice Campbell’s booth and drooled over these. Unfortunately, she ran out before I could snap a couple up for my girls. I ended up buying them online when I got home.
Isn’t this amazing?
Each coloring page isn’t just for coloring — there are places in which to practice cursive strokes. Coupled with our beloved Papermate Flair pen collection, this is a totally fun way to get extra practice.
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Here’s the first quote of many from In Memoriam I’ll be sharing:
This is how I feel about AmblesideOnline. The immensity of the task feels crushing, if you really think about it, but how is it accomplished? One beautiful term at a time. ♥
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Speaking of In Memoriam, want an up-close look at the cover?
Didn’t Alissa do an amazing job?
The inside is also laid out beautifully, and that was done by Hayley.
Such a lovely team of AO moms. ♥
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This month in 2016:
This installment from The Low Energy Mom’s Guide to Homeschooling is pertinent for most of us this time of year.
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This week’s links collection:
- A MAP OF THE SOUL from First Things
- A neurosurgeon afterthinks on Aquinas.
- Why Roman concrete still stands strong while modern version decays from The Guardian
- I’m thinking this is an area in which we ought to learn from history?
- American Pravda from Project Veritas
- There’s not an easy way to link to these, but if you’re not watching the American Pravda exposé by Project Veritas concerning CNN, well … you ought to be.
The post Thoughtworthy (Major Announcement Edition!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.