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I’ve had a number of projects going on behind the scenes here. The biggest one is still under wraps for another week or two, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share the other exciting stuff that I’ve been wanting to talk about for months and months!
One of them was talked about in this special episode of The Scholé Sisters Podcast:
Have you listened yet?
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If you haven’t listened, but you’re dying to know already, we announced our summer special project: Scholé Sisters Local Retreats!
It’s explained in greater depth in the podcast, so make sure you listen, but you can get the major details here.
Here’s the thing: it’s going to be totally FUN!
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Charlotte Mason Boot Camp is going on sale really, really soon. The Summer Session is going to run from June 19-July 29, 2017. If you didn’t catch it, I announced a scholarship opportunity on Facebook. Today is the last day to apply, so if you need it, don’t delay.
And if you aren’t on the CMBC interest list, make sure you are!
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This month in 2013:
Yes, I did. I talked about it — and the subject was quite controversial at the time. I think my Charlotte Mason was showing a bit in this series. Thankfully, I still mostly agree with myself.
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Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for Mystie’s Six-Week Sweep and Smile Study. I should have decluttered last summer, but I didn’t, so I am very happy that she’s going to help me get my house back in shape.
Her 6-week summer Sweep and Smile study begins TODAY, which is pretty perfect because yesterday was our last day of school.
Care to join me? Go sign up!
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This week’s links collection:
- The Wartime Spies Who Used Knitting as an Espionage Tool from Atlas Obscura
- I don’t knit, but I know some of you do. Knitting is even cooler than you thought!
- How Aristotle Created the Computer from The Atlantic
- “Created” is a strong word, but still fascinating.
- Does it matter if Google is rewiring our minds? Ask Plato from The Guardian
- What do you think? This kind of reminds me how people starting using GPS apps and lost skills like reading a map, plus they forgot how to get places they used to be able to remember.
- Masculinity Is More Than a Mask from Time
- As a mother of boys, I am often tempted to become a men’s right advocate!
- Interesting quote: “Male stoicism may be adaptive and protective.”
The post Thoughtworthy (Top Secret Projects Edition!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.