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Thoughtworthy (Giveaway Winners, New Pets, Podcast Recommendation, and MORE!)



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We had a couple new additions to the microhomestead this past week. This summer, both girls lost their rabbits. Daughter A.’s was injured by our dog when she escaped from her cage. She lived quite a while afterward, but never really recovered. Daughter Q.’s rabbit, on the other hand, being on the older side, just didn’t handle the heat very well, unlike the previous summers. They were devastated and have been asking for rabbits all. the. time. ever since. “I need something to take care of,” says A-Age-Eleven.

Well, I’ve learned to be cautious about where (or from whom!) we purchase rabbits. One year we got a beautiful rabbit from a breeder who never interacted with her rabbits and the result was that we later sold said rabbit because she was scary. I was afraid to put my hand in the cage because of her biting!

We have a breeder we love, and she finally had babies ready this week. On Monday, we went and picked them up. They have the best temperaments and were definitely worth the wait.

Meet Autumn and Van Gogh:


You can probably tell by looking at him where Van Gogh got his name — he’s got just a little nub of an ear. He’s so cute and just about the friendliest rabbit we’ve ever had.


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pints-with-aquinasI discovered a new podcast recently and I am loving it so far. It’s called Pints with Aquinas. Many of you know that I fell in love with Aquinas’ Summa Theologica a number of years ago when I was trying to comprehend the fullness of a certain fresco in Florence, Italy. Anyhow, this podcast is super handy. If you aren’t familiar with Summa Theologica, it’s important to note that the format is something along the lines of:

  • Ask a question
  • List the best objections to an affirmative answer
  • Explain why all those objections are incorrect
  • Mike drop

Or something.

This podcast is set up to go through one question — with all the objections and counters — at a time. It’s very Catholic, of course. Even though Aquinas preceded the Reformation, Protestants have hesitated to embrace him. Personally, I think this is a mistake. I mean, yes, there are some differences in doctrine. But I found those differences to be far less than I expected, while the similarities were everywhere. Aquinas was one of the clearest — if not the clearest — thinkers in history. This is an easy way to get a taste of him.


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I’ve perfected my sugar-free mocha recipe even more! I wanted a way to round out the flavor without adding extra sweetener or more chocolate syrup. It dawned on me that salt is always a good way to round out something sweet. It worked well. So, here is my revised list of ingredients:


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tdn-products-1Congratulations to Jennifer Stephens, winner of the Third Day Naturals giveaway! I’m so happy for you! I think you all know that I adore Third Day Naturals. The products are perfect for all the sensitive skin we have around here — plus I prefer to put food-based products on my skin since I know skin tends to absorb what’s put on it. Anyhow, if you are still looking for a great gift, or even stocking stuffers, make sure you use my code AT20 which will give you 20% off anything in the TDN store!


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This month in 2013:


I had been wary of a book on Charlotte Mason notebooking, and I couldn’t have been more wrong!


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This week’s links collection:


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Answering your questions:

  • Question: I’ve been homeschooling “since the beginning” … now my oldest is in ninth grade and I’m lost. 🙁 I gave into the pressure for an open-and-go curriculum and bought Sonlight History of the Christian church … it’s overwhelming! I’m trying to mix CM with it and it’s quite difficult. Do you have any suggestions? I can’t return the curriculum because all the books have been labeled. 🙁
    • Answer: First off: I’m sorry! That’s hard! And I completely understand wanting to salvage it all since you’ve already used your budget! I can think of three possible options for you, but maybe the Afterthinkers around here will also share some ideas in the comments? I hope so!
      1. Sell it used and use the money you get to buy the curriculum you really want. It’s possible you could also do this in part, which will make more sense when we get to the other options. I’m not familiar with how Sonlight works, but I checked out what I think is the package you’re referring to, and many of the books would be worth keeping.
      2. Use Charlotte Mason’s methods with what you have. This might mean paring the curriculum down. But this is mainly history and literature, right? So you could schedule in the best books and do readings followed by narration (written or oral), and then schedule the other subjects (math, sciences, etc.) around your history. The videos in my posts Creating Simple Matrices and Blank Templates and Creating Weekly Schedules for the Entire Year might help you think through how to do this.
      3. Spread this out into something like AmblesideOnline. Many of these books are used in AO and so if you are willing to spend more money to round out the year, you really could use most of these books in other places over the next four years. I’d say about half of the books at least could be used this way. If you have younger children, you could use some of the books in lower years as well. This would leave you with some leftovers that you could either sell, or keep for free reading options. Here are some examples:

        I didn’t go through every single book, but do you see what I mean? There is a lot of overlap between what you own and what a “real” Charlotte Mason curriculum might use. I don’t have time in this space to get more detailed than this, but I really think that you don’t have too bad of a collection if you want to just change how you schedule and implement. The important thing to note is that it will all work out okay in the end. Truly. Why? Because a lot of these books are really, truly good books.

The post Thoughtworthy (Giveaway Winners, New Pets, Podcast Recommendation, and MORE!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.

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