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You probably noticed that I’ve retitled this Friday feature. I announced it last week, but perhaps you missed it? Anyhow, I love having a new graphic and a bit of a fresh feel. This could be seven thoughts long. But it could be shorter. Or longer! Just think of the possibilities!!
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I love it when things are brought together effortlessly. We’ve been reading aloud from Sailing on the Ice, which is a sort of sequel to Stories from the Old Squire’s Farm. We love, love, love these books! Last week, we finished a story in which the narrator and his cousin, Addison, discover amethyst and mine it and bring it home. It was described pretty well, I thought, but none of my children remembered what amethyst was!
Fast forward to Saturday and a local museum is having a free admission day, so naturally we went. In the museum’s gift shop, there were collections of minerals for sale. Lo and behold! Amethyst! Both the pretty crystal kind as well as the smoother rock-like version. I couldn’t have planned an object lesson like that. It was totally providential!
As far as the books go, I can’t recommend them enough. Like the Little House on the Prairie series, they give an excellent glimpse into was American culture in Maine was like directly following the Civil War. We laugh at the stories, yes — many of them are quite funny. But I think we’re also learning quite a bit about what families ought to be like.
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My church had Dr. Ian Hamilton as a guest preacher on Sunday and it was honestly amazing. He preached on Revelation 4, and he started by reminding us that Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ, and if we miss Jesus, we miss everything. It reminded me quite a bit of Reversed Thunder, a book that I read and loved a number of years ago. Anyhow, if you want to hear his talk, it’s here: A Throne Above All Thrones.
Dr. Hamilton’s a Scot, which means everything he said sounded more true than if an American had said it. It’s worth listening to, if only for the accent.
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A number of you have recently found me on Facebook. Thank you for sending me a friend request. I think that is very sweet! But … this is a good time to remind you all that I share an account with my husband, and he sort of frowns on my accepting friend requests from people I don’t really know. So please don’t take it personally! The best way to interact with me on Facebook is using the Afterthoughts page.
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This month in 2014:
The end of a series I wrote on continuing education. I actually can’t believe that was two years ago!
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This week’s links collection:
- Why Procrastinators Procrastinate from Wait But Why
- Hahahahahhaha!
- Rewriting Earth’s Creation Story from The Atlantic
- It should be obvious, but *sounding* sciency, or being *said by a scientist*, doesn’t actually make something scientific.
- What “Inside Out” Managed to Leave Out from The Imaginative Conservative
- I still have never seen this, mainly because the idea of emotions in the cock pit sorta freaked me out.
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Those of you who read on mobile devices might want to check on a desktop every once in a while. I say this because this is one of those weeks where I couldn’t begin to share all the links, but I thought they were all pretty interesting. I keep them in the sidebar, so if you’re interested in more of them, that’s where you’d find them.
The post Thoughtworthy appeared first on Afterthoughts.