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I finished Till We Have Faces yesterday, folks. WOW. Just wow. I saved it all these years because I wanted reading it with my oldest to be my first time through. I knew it’d be amazing because (1) retellings of the Cupid and Psyche myth have been some of my favorite fairy tales and (2) it’s C.S. Lewis. But still … it went above and beyond my expectations.
I have a blog post brewing that’s inspired by the book, so stay tuned for next week.
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I’m feeling sort of blah about meals lately. Again. This happens periodically. It’s the perfect time of year for eating outside here, and we’ve done a lot of that. I think that helps me overlook the fact that actually I’m bored.
But also: I’m busy. I have more interesting food I could make, but I used to spend 2-3 hours on dinner, and now I only have about an hour.
Want to share with me some links to your favorites? Bonus if it’s a one-pot meal, or heavy on the Instant Pot (which I love).
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The latest from Scholé Sisters:
It was so wonderful to chat with Ravi Jain again. I seriously think we should have him on every season. We could make him a Scholé Sister!!
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This month in 2018:
Good advice, of course, but also: the Mother Culture Habit Tracker for winter will be ready soon!
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Podcast episode of the week:
- The Literary Life Podcast: 13. “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield
- No, I’m not reading along. I’m way behind as it is. I’ve been listening, whether I’ve read the book (or short story or whatever) or not. If I waited until I had time to read the book, I’d never get to listen because I’m pre-reading 12th grade right now, remember?
- I figure I can just store up the insights for some future occasion when I can read the book. Until then, this story sounds fascinating.
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This week’s links collection:
- Columbia professor who fled communism resigns, says university is becoming communist from The College Fix
- “The professor says that he then asked if they could choose a straight white male if the most qualified candidate happened to be so, and was promptly told that they could not. ‘I felt like I was living under communism again,’ he said.”
- The media protected Jeffrey Epstein and crucified Brett Kavanaugh from The Washington Examiner
- “ABC News has claimed it refused to run Robach’s reporting because it did not meet their editorial standards. Apparently, there wasn’t enough corroborating evidence, despite the fact that Robach says in the video that she had multiple witnesses who confirmed her story.”
- Honestly, what I found very disturbing about Project Veritas’ incredible video exposing ABC News was that Amy Robach seemed very concerned that she did not get to run the story — that she did not get credit for the story, rather than concern that while ABC sat on this story, there were even more victims, that Epstein was allowed to continue trafficking in women and children and blackmailing many of our most powerful citizens.
- Yes, Soros Is Influencing Your School Board And Local Government Elections from Conservative HQ
- “In other words, the Soros-backed prosecutor candidates are running on platforms of not enforcing the law.”
- “What does this mean to the local voter? It means the will of your community at the ballot box can be stymied to the point that local courts and educational boards will not reflect your vote or the character of your community but the will of social engineers like George Soros.”
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It’s not too late to join the Scholé Sisters November Challenge!
Just click here to sign up. Download the printable (and ignore the dates you’ve missed). Watch our video to get inspired. And then you’re set!
The post Thoughtworthy (Finished a Novel, Give Me Meal Ideas, New Episode, and MORE!) appeared first on Afterthoughts.