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My computer has been mighty slow lately. I mean the painful, fight-that-anger-sin-problem sort of slow. That’s why AfterCast didn’t come out yesterday — no matter what I did, I couldn’t get my internet to work properly.
I really thought it was my internet service because both my desktop and my laptop were running slow, and the laptop ran fine when (in desperation) I worked for a while at Starbucks.
My husband had the brilliant idea to have me try a different browser. Long story short, I tried Firefox on my desktop and … wow! Not only did performance speed up right away, but the laptop — still using Chrome — sped up as well! Turns out, something (who knows what) was going wrong with Chrome on the desktop, and that was sucking up bandwidth all the time, and this made it look like the problem was with the laptop as well.
So hurrah and all that, but really I’m sharing because this solution was way easier than, say, saving up to buy a new computer, or remaining on hold with our internet service. If you ever have a similar problem, maybe try a different browser!
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In other news, it’s time to clean out your Instagram followers again! I do this regularly, and try to remind you all from time to time.
Look, there are some creepy (and I mean creepy) people out there. If you have a public profile, they will follow you. You do not have to let them! Just go into your followers and remove them. If they follow you again, you can go to their profiles and block them.
I regularly remove creepy guys dressed in fake military uniforms, scantily clad women, and people without profile pictures. Every once in a while, this means I delete a real follower, but I consider this worth it because I don’t want to be on the radar of weirdos.
So … go, delete, block, and be blessed! ♥
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Speaking of AfterCast, I did finally get an episode out … just today instead of yesterday:
Click here to listen, but it’s better to subscribe in your favorite podcast player. If you ever have trouble finding the show in a player, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
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This month in 2015:
I did a whole series on preventing homeschool mom burnout. This is first post.
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This week’s links collection:
- Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence from Imprimis
- We know someone affected by this and it’s just so sad. I’m very concerned about what legalization means for the future of mental health in my state.
- Economy Adds 300,000 Jobs in January Despite Shutdown, Defying Expectations from National Review
- It’s nice to see people in my area employed again. ♥
- 3 philosophers set up a booth on a street corner – here’s what people asked from The Conversation
- This was a fun read.
The post Thoughtworthy (Tech Tips and MORE Edition) appeared first on Afterthoughts.